What is a Druid grove?
Within OBOD (the Order of Bards, Ovate and Druids) we are encouraged to find out about our local historic Grove, of which there are dozens all over Britain, and then, if comfortable, take on the grove name and build up a ‘grove’ of like minded people to meet between 6 – 8 times or more a year.
We usually meet on the festivals,solstice,equinox etc. We use either the OBOD set ceremonial scripts or our own or quite often a mix of both and hold a ceremony to mark the time/wheel of year.
We start the day with a hearty breakfast then sit in a circle with the aid of ‘the talking stick’ to discuss what the time of year means to us individually, then we choose people for ‘parts’ and then process outside and have a fabulous ceremony and give thanks to the many Gods for our lives.
We then enjoy a shared late lunch meal.
This year we are re introducing something we did a while back where people, if they like to, can stay after the ceremony for a talk on a set esoteric subject. This is a fascinating hour or so of talk and debate in a safe friendly presence